Friday 19 October 2012

Whistle if you want to see my instrument

NRV are doing their final home bout of the year this weekend. I'm not on the roster (and it's an all-stars bout anyway), but I'm going to be there as a NSO.

Specifically, I think I'm jam timing, or that's what I put my hand up for. This is hilarious, because I've never jam timed in my life, and this is going to be a proper, official, WFTDA bout thingy. Argh. From what I undetstand, all I need to do is be able to blow a whistle and work a stopwatch. If someone gave me a stopwatch and told me how to press the buttons, I think I'd be okay.

But, here's a bit of an admission. I didn't even know how to work a whistle properly until about two days ago. I figured I should own a whistle anyway for derby purposes, so I got a nice one from Fox 40 off the interwebs. It's yellow. :) I've been practicing doing four tweets and stuff, but I keep spitting everywhere. Ha.

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