Monday 12 November 2012

Happy derbyversary to me (and Boudi obviously)

One year ago today, while I was drunkenly running around at my birthday party, Boudi and I got derby married. I wrote about it here at the time. So yeah, now it is our wedding anniversary, haha. We have both come a long way in derbyland this past year, what with rolling around at the gym right when VDL started (hell, even before it was called VDL) and now between us we've skated with like over 8 leagues and learned a whole bunch of mad skillz.

Okay, I'm not going to be all like reminiscing like an old fogey right now (although we both ARE founding members of Team Nanna, and I just realized that there is no Team Nanna superpower of talking about what happened when I was your age or the olden days or something) but my wife is amazeballs and I like the fact that we are such an awesome derby couple. I think part of that is because we also have similar interests outside of derby so we can also support each other there as well, which is all good. Anyway, check out this awesome present I got her (since she was the one who had to propose to me last time, I felt it was  only right that I also showered her with gifts and whatnot):
And it is sparkly and red!
It's cute; it's like those little necklace charms you have when you're 12 years old with your best friend or whatever. I have the left half and I sent the right half to Boudi. I was talking to RayWoWW about derby wives a while ago at practice here; she's a transfer skater also so her wife is out on the other side of the country or something and she was like "I'm the husband in the derby wife relationship" since her wife is the one who does everything or whatever. Ha. I think I'm kind of like that too. But I was inspired by her for the helmet decal; that was her wedding present from her wife when they got married.

I haven't put it on my helmet yet (partially because I don't know where to put it on my helmet given my helmet is covered with other stuff) but I'll have to put a picture of it here when I do. And I can get Boudi to take a picture of her helmet with her half on it or something and maybe we can smash our helmeted heads together and make the decal line up or something in the future. Ha. Anyway the whole point of this post is that my wife is amazeballs. Hoorah.

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe I missed this post. Happy derbyversary wifey! <3<3<3


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